The Business Alliance for Climate Action (BACA) is dedicated to the advancement of market-based solutions to climate change.
We bring together a diverse range of stakeholders—project developers and intermediaries, investors, corporate buyers, NGOs, and indigenous landowners—to form a powerful collective that engages and educates policymakers on critical legislation and regulations impacting carbon markets.
Contact Us
We seek to unify and amplify the voices of those who are committed to advancing climate action through the carbon market.  
In a time when market-based solutions face significant scrutiny and opposition, BACA remains a steadfast advocate for their vital role in accelerating climate finance.
Our credible and pragmatic voice seeks to counter misinformation, support effective climate policy, and drive meaningful action in both compliance and voluntary carbon markets.
Our members represent a broad spectrum of expertise and perspectives, all united in the pursuit of a just and effective climate transition —one that demands action sooner rather than later.
What We Stand For

At the heart of our mission is the belief that carbon credits are a vital, flexible, and scalable tool for achieving net zero emissions. We’re driving this vision forward by:

Championing Transparency and Integrity

We are committed to fostering a carbon market that is open, trustworthy and robust.

Promoting Comprehensive Market Growth

We support an all of the above approach to scaling carbon markets. By applying diverse strategies and innovations, we aim to accelerate the expansion and effectiveness of carbon markets globally.

Advancing Interoperability Between the VCM and Compliance Markets
We strive to create seamless connections between voluntary carbon market credits and regulatory allowances. Our goal is to enhance interoperability, making it easier for global markets to work together and drive collective climate progress.

Advocating for an Adaptable and Practical Claims Process

We support claims processes that are flexible and workable to meet the needs of business.
Understanding Carbon Credits

A carbon credit is a permit or certificate that represents the reduction or removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (1t COe) or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases (i.e. methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases).

Essentially, it acts as a tradable asset that allows organizations, companies or governments to hold themselves accountable for their emissions by investing in projects that reduce or capture greenhouse gases.

Carbon credits are generated through various project types – such as tree planting, ecosystem restoration, and methane destruction – which either reduce emissions or remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Each credit corresponds to a verified and quantifiable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Why Carbon Credits Matter...
Driving Climate Finance
Estimates of the investment needed to achieve the global low-carbon transition range from USD 1.6 trillion to USD 3.8 trillion annually between 2025 and 2050 (just on energy investments alone). We believe policies should enable  — and not hamper — meaningful and immediate investment via the carbon market, so that the private sector can seamlessly participate now, when it matters most.
Enabling Near-Term Climate Action
Carbon credits provide a mechanism for businesses and governments to meet their climate goals. By purchasing credits, entities can compensate for their emissions while supporting projects that contribute to overall climate mitigation.
Flexibility and Innovation
Carbon credits offer flexibility in how emissions reductions are achieved. They enable a market-driven approach where the most cost-effective and innovative solutions can be funded and implemented, driving further advancements in technology and sustainability.
Encouraging Global Participation
By linking carbon credits to international standards and trading mechanisms, countries and organizations around the world can collaborate on climate action. This global participation is crucial for tackling a problem as widespread as climate change.
Promoting Sustainable Projects
The revenue from carbon credits funds a wide range of projects that not only reduce greenhouse gases but also promote sustainable development. These projects can improve local air quality, create jobs and support community development, all of which are especially important in the Global South where most projects to date have occurred.
Addressing Climate Change Costs
Climate change mitigation involves significant costs. Carbon credits help allocate these costs more efficiently by allowing entities to invest in emission reduction projects that might be more economically feasible in different regions or sectors.
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Founded by Anew Climate, Climate Impact Partners, ClimeCo, Imperative Global, Respira, Rubicon Carbon, and South Pole, BACA is a coalition seeking to advance carbon markets as a climate finance tool essential for climate change mitigation.